Thursday, June 3, 2010


WORD EXERCISES - Daily Task [DAY 17]
{ click here for WORD EXERCISES [DAY 18] }
{ click here for WORD EXERCISES [DAY 16] }
This section is for those who feel that they are not getting right words at the right time.These exercises regularly done will help us to apply the right words in the right context.There are a number of exercises of varied pattern and you should utilize each one for the purpose intended.WATCH THIS SPACE EVERYDAY.
DAY 17 [04-JUNE-2010] WEX65
There are 5 questions and you need to find one spelling mistake in each questions and then write the correct spelling.The objective of this section to become familiar with different words,its spelling and usage which will help us in writing,reading and speaking.
1.In some countries, financial problems are too large to be managable.
2.His speech decieved millions.
3.Hundreds of lifes are being lost daily due to careless drivers.
4.Earthquake survivers often remain in shock for several days.
5.It is essential to practice daily if you want to become a good musician.
             ***END OF THIS EXERCISE TYPE***
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DAY 17 [04-JUNE-2010] WEX66
There are 5 questions and you need to select each expression according to the purposes given.The purposes are given below in the list.The objective of this section is to help for IELTS speaking test..For example :Q1.Yes,I agree .The matching purpose is (a).After completely this exercise, you will be confident to speak using appropriate expressions in relevant situations.

[(a).agreeing with somebody (b).Disagreeing with somebody (c).Interrupting (d).Asking for clarification or repetition (e).Asking somebody for their opinion (f).Saying something in another way (g).Giving yourself time to think (h).Summing up]
1.How can I best say this?
2.Could you repeat what you said?
3.I couldn't agree more.
5.To put in another way...
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DAY 17 [04-JUNE-2010] WEX67
There are 5 questions and you need to select an appropriate word for each sentences given from the word lists given to each pair of sentences.The objective of this section is to identify the difference between the words which look similar in letters/pronunciation/meaning.This section is very useful for writing tasks and for reading tests to really follow the meaning of sentences given.(You can also click on some of the words to know the meaning of it .Press the back button to return here)
1.Many people refuse to eat meat on____.
The ______ of the college is an ardent non-smoker.
The country's______products are paper and wood.
Not many people are familiar with the________of nuclear physics.  (principal(s)/principle(s) )

2.The____made its way down the avenue.
Applying for a visa can be a long and frustrating_______. (process/procession)

3.As prices_____,demand drops.
In response to the current oil shortage_____,most airlines plan to_____their fares.(raise/rise)

4.The delegates listened in_________silence as the chairman spoke.
They want to bring up their children in an area which is considered to be____________(respectable/respectful)

5.Hospitals are so understaffed that they find it amlost impossible to______patients with minor injuries.
They were unable to________the disease, and hundreds died as a result.(treat/cure)
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DAY 17 [04-JUNE-2010] WEX68
 There are 5 questions given and you have to complete these sentences with the most appropriate word or expression given from the list below.The objective of this exercise is to apply different words related with 'EDUCATION' in various contexts.(You can also click on some of the words to know the meaning of it .Press the back button to return here)
[primary | numeracy | graduate | evening class | course | discipline | literacy | day release |kindergarten | enroll | secondary | skills | pass | correspondence | qualifications | degree]
 1.When he was eighteen he found a college which offered a______in Interior designing.
2.He was able to_______for the course a few days before his nineteenth birthday.
3.He worked hard and three years later was able to_________with a _________in Interior designing.
4.After that he followed a________course in photography from a college in the US using the internet.
5.The_______he gained impressed an advertising company he wanted to work for.
             ***END OF THIS EXERCISE TYPE***
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{ click here for WORD EXERCISES [DAY 18] }
{ click here for WORD EXERCISES [DAY 16] }
[Note:-The questions,sample writing tasks,top 6 words,its meaning,sentences,teaching methodology & related details are obtained from various sources.Please click here REFERENCES for details of sources.The role of web page owner  is limited to finding & modifying the questions,words,sample writing tasks and editing the content for our intended purpose.The purpose of this page is to promote IELTS training and English education for free as far as possible.However , not to misuse this opportunity and to minimize the losses incur, a fee is being charged for training session conducted by the live trainer through online chat.] 

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