Wednesday, June 9, 2010


WORD EXERCISES - Daily Task [DAY 23]
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This section is for those who feel that they are not getting right words at the right time.These exercises regularly done will help us to apply the right words in the right context.There are a number of exercises of varied pattern and you should utilize each one for the purpose intended.WATCH THIS SPACE EVERYDAY.
DAY 23 [10-JUNE-2010] WEX78
Read this essay and complete the gaps with one of the words or expressions given in the list below. You may need to change the form of some of the words.The objective of this exercise is to get learn new words related with 'MONEY & FINANCE' ,its meaning and application.This is useful for writing(task 2 for both GT & AC),reading and speaking.(You can click on some of  the words given in the list below to know its meaning.Press back button to return to this page)

[overdraft | shares | cost of living | interest | save | loan | stocks |expenditure | economise | building society |on credit | reductions | income | exorbitant | bargain |inflation | discount | invest |borrow ]

‘Financial advice from a father to a son’ 

In the play ‘Hamlet’ by William Shakespeare, a father gives his son some financial advice, ‘Neither a borrower nor a lender be’, he says. He is trying to tell his son that he should never 1 ________ money from anyone because it will make it difficult for him to manage his finances. Likewise he should never give a financial 2 ______ to a friend because he will probably never see the money again, and will probably lose his friend as well.
The play was written over four hundred years ago, but today many parents would give similar advice to their children. Imagine the conversation they would have now:

Son: Right dad, I’m off to university now.
Father: All right son, but let me give you some sound financial advice before you go.
Son: Oh come on dad....
Father: Now listen, this is important. The first thing you should do is to make sure you balance your 3_________ -the money you receive from me - and your 4_________ the money you spend. If you spend too much, you will end up with an 5__________ at the bank. Don’t expect me to pay it for you.
Son: But it’s so difficult. Things are so expensive, and the 6__________ goes up all the time. 7________ is running at about 10%.
Father: I know, but you should try to 8_________ . Avoid expensive shops and restaurants. Also, put your money in a good 9___________ . They offer a much higher rate of 10 _________ than banks. Also,avoid buying things 11 ________.
Son: Why?
Father: Because shops charge you an 12 ___________ amount of money to buy things over a period of time. It’s much better to 13________________ a little bit of money each week so that when you see something you want, you can buy it outright. Try to wait for the sales, when shops offer huge 14_________ and you can pick up a 15__________ . And try to get a 16 ________.
Son: How do I do that?
Father: Easy. When you buy something, ask the shop if they’ll lower the price by, say, 10%. Next, when you eventually get a job and are earning a good salary, try to 17 ____________ the
money in a good company. Buy 18___________ in government organisations or 19________ in private companies.
Son: OK dad, I’ve heard enough.
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[Note:-The questions,sample writing tasks,top 6 words,its meaning,sentences,teaching methodology & related details are obtained from various sources.Please click here REFERENCES for details of sources.The role of web page owner  is limited to finding & modifying the questions,words,sample writing tasks and editing the content for our intended purpose.The purpose of this page is to promote IELTS training and English education for free as far as possible.However , not to misuse this opportunity and to minimize the losses incur, a fee is being charged for training session conducted by the live trainer through online chat.] 

1 comment:

  1. will be riskier, but companies compensate this by providing comparatively higher interest rates on these. The same with NCDs, having a lower credit rating. Certified Financial Advisor


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