Tuesday, June 8, 2010


WORD EXERCISES - Daily Task [DAY 22]
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This section is for those who feel that they are not getting right words at the right time.These exercises regularly done will help us to apply the right words in the right context.There are a number of exercises of varied pattern and you should utilize each one for the purpose intended.WATCH THIS SPACE EVERYDAY.
DAY 22 [09-JUNE-2010] WEX77
Read this essay and complete the gaps with one of the words or expressions given in the list below. You may need to change the form of some of the words.The objective of this exercise is to get learn new words related with 'WORK' ,its meaning and application.This is useful for writing(task 2 for both GT & AC),reading and speaking.(You can click on some of  the words given in the list below to know its meaning.Press back button to return to this page)

[repetitive strain injury | salary | blue-collar | white-collar | firing | job security |demanding | sickness benefit | increment | unskilled | hiring | unsociable hours | perks | pension | semi-skilled | employees | self-employed | manufacturing industry | service industry | incentive | stress | steady job |promotion ]

‘Some people live to work, and others work to live. In most cases, this depends on the job they have and the conditions under which they are employed. In your opinion, what are the elements that make a job worthwhile?’

In answering this question, I would like to look first at the elements that combine to make a job undesirable. By avoiding such factors, potential 1.________are more likely to find a job that is more worthwhile, and by doing so, hope to achieve happiness in their work.
First of all, it doesn’t matter if you are an 2._____________worker cleaning the floor, a 3_______ 4 ___________________ worker on a production line in one of the 5________ or a 6_______ worker in a bank, shop or one of the other 7________ if you lack 8._________ , with the knowledge that you might lose your job at any time, you will never feel happy. Everybody would like a 9 _______________________ in which he or she is guaranteed work. Nowadays, however, companies have a high turnover of staff, 10 ___________________ new staff and 11 ______________ others on a weekly basis. Such companies are not popular with their workers. The same can be said of a job in which you are put under a lot of 12___________and worry, a job which is so 13________that it takes over your life, a job where you work 14____________ and so never get to see your family or friends, or a physical job in which you do the same thing every day and end up with the industrial disease that is always in the papers nowadays- 15 ._____________________________

With all these negative factors, it would be difficult to believe that there are any elements that make a job worthwhile. Money is, of course, the prime motivator, and everybody wants a good 16 ________ . But of course that is not all. The chance of 17 ___________________of being given a better position in a company, is a motivating factor. Likewise, 18______________ such as a free lunch or a company car, an 19 _________________scheme to make you work hard such as a regular 20_________- above the rate of inflation, 21____________in case you fall ill and a company 22 ____________scheme so that you have some money when you retire all combine to make a job worthwhile.

Unfortunately, it is not always easy to find all of these. There is, however, an alternative. Forget the office and the factory floor and become 23__________ and work for yourself. Your future may not be secure, but at least you will be happy.
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[Note:-The questions,sample writing tasks,top 6 words,its meaning,sentences,teaching methodology & related details are obtained from various sources.Please click here REFERENCES for details of sources.The role of web page owner  is limited to finding & modifying the questions,words,sample writing tasks and editing the content for our intended purpose.The purpose of this page is to promote IELTS training and English education for free as far as possible.However , not to misuse this opportunity and to minimize the losses incur, a fee is being charged for training session conducted by the live trainer through online chat.] 
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