Friday, June 4, 2010


WORD EXERCISES - Daily Task [DAY 18]
{ click here for WORD EXERCISES [DAY 17] }
{ click here for WORD EXERCISES [DAY 19] }
This section is for those who feel that they are not getting right words at the right time.These exercises regularly done will help us to apply the right words in the right context.There are a number of exercises of varied pattern and you should utilize each one for the purpose intended.WATCH THIS SPACE EVERYDAY.
DAY 18 [05-JUNE-2010] WEX69
There are 5 questions given and you have to complete these sentences with correct word spelled given from the list of words.The objective of this exercise is learn the spelling of certain words which often are misspelt.This will be useful for writing and reading tasks.
1)The former president was sentenced in his___________
a)absence b)absance c)abscence

2)The first step to become a good photographer is to buy the correct________________
a)accesories b)accessories c)acessories

3)Visitors have difficulty finding_______during the summer
a)acommodation b)accommodation c)accomodation

4)City planners can sometimes be very__________in their approach to traffic calming.
a)aggressive b)aggresive c)agressive

5)The managing director made an important_________ to his staff.
a)anouncement b)announcment c)announcement
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DAY 18 [05-JUNE-2010] WEX70
There are 5 questions and you need to select each expression according to the purposes given.The purposes are given below in the list.The objective of this section is to help for IELTS speaking test..For example :Q1.Yes,I agree .The matching purpose is (a).After completely this exercise, you will be confident to speak using appropriate expressions in relevant situations.

[(a).agreeing with somebody (b).Disagreeing with somebody (c).Interrupting (d).Asking for clarification or repetition (e).Asking somebody for their opinion (f).Saying something in another way (g).Giving yourself time to think (h).Summing up]
1.That's just what i was thinking
2.In brief,...
3.Could I just say that....
4.Well,my opinion is that....
5.That's my view exactly.
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DAY 18 [05-JUNE-2010] WEX71
There are 5 questions given and you have to complete these sentences with correct word spelled given from the list of words.The objective of this exercise is learn the spelling of certain words which often are misspelt.This will be useful for writing and reading tasks.
1.The college offers a course in commercial_________
a)correspondance b)corespondence c)correspondence

2.Between 1997 and 2001, a ________ drop will be seen in the market.
a)defenite b)definate c)definite

3.The government openly__________of the current judicial system.
a)dissaproves b)disapproves c)diseproves

4.Governments need to_________with charities in developing countries.
a)liase b)leaise c)liaise

5.A lot of people do not have the__________qualifications for the job.
a)necesary b)neccesary c)necessary
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DAY 18 [05-JUNE-2010] WEX72
There are 5 questions and you need to select each expression according to the purposes given.The purposes are given below in the list.The objective of this section is to help for IELTS speaking test..For example :Q1.Yes,I agree .The matching purpose is (a).After completely this exercise, you will be confident to speak using appropriate expressions in relevant situations.

[(a).agreeing with somebody (b).Disagreeing with somebody (c).Interrupting (d).Asking for clarification or repetition (e).Asking somebody for their opinion (f).Saying something in another way (g).Giving yourself time to think (h).Summing up]
1.To summarise,...
2.What was that?
3.I must take issue with you on that.
4.Let me get this right
5.Sorry to interrupt,but...
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{ click here for WORD EXERCISES [DAY 17] }
{ click here for WORD EXERCISES [DAY 19] } 
[Note:-The questions,sample writing tasks,top 6 words,its meaning,sentences,teaching methodology & related details are obtained from various sources.Please click here REFERENCES for details of sources.The role of web page owner  is limited to finding & modifying the questions,words,sample writing tasks and editing the content for our intended purpose.The purpose of this page is to promote IELTS training and English education for free as far as possible.However , not to misuse this opportunity and to minimize the losses incur, a fee is being charged for training session conducted by the live trainer through online chat.] 

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